
Tulisan itu abadi. Mereka adalah kisah di masa lampau, kisah perjuangan manusia, kisah kehancuran suatu peradaban.

Mereka lah pemberi inspirasi, penyampai informasi, penggagas inovasi, juga pelepas emosi. Semua orang memiliki cerita masing-masing, tetapi hanya mereka yang menulis lah yang akan diingat sepanjang masa.

Jadi, apa kau siap untuk menuliskan kisahmu?

Behold the mighty presence of story, where lines tie each other into letter; and letter line up into words; and words convey the mind of the writer like a letter conveys a message. This is our home, where we put our mind into words, and we share it with others. Whenever and wherever you are, we hope our words can reach you.

Welcome, weary souls, spoil your mind with the creation of our members dumped in this website.

Feeling like submitting your works? Wanna get published? Wanna get reviewed?

We accept all kinds of writing.

Submit your works here: [Form Submisi].

Ativador Windows 11   2016